Thursday, May 28, 2009

Conspiracy of the Rich

When others won't, will you?  Find out the Conspiracy. Dare to be true to yourself, dare to live big. Live big enough to fulfill your purpose.

 I do not believe Money/or our 'Job' is our purpose, I believe God wants us to do our best and be faithful to HIM. Money is a tool to see how we are doing.  

Why are we working? Is there a Conspiracy?  Why are we not working? What holds us back? Who's words hold YOU back?  Face them in private (in your heart) and forgive them.  Or hold onto their belief of UNBELIEF. Choose this day whom you will serve. God or mammon, don't blame others for your lack of money, or God either. He wants us to prosper - in Faith. ( yes, take that both ways)

Money is a tool, not a god, so don't let it blind you into thinking it provides anything.  God is our maker and our helper, money is just a tool. God doesn't need money, He created the Universe and all that is within, for FREE.

I am living proof their is a God who doesn't need money, and when people say " you can't live without money", I just smile.  My God has taught me different.  I believe He wants us all to be hard workers, but sometimes harder still is NOT WORKING and trusting.  Try it, for a month or 36.  

This is my proof: Car not working, no gainful employment, BELIEVING Prayers to Jehovah Jireh, and a Miracle of $5000.00 is given. Not the next day, not the next week, but months later.
 Limp along with me, to gain strength in a Sovereign God. 

Lest you say it was a coincidence, I say, " its a coincidence you read this blog".  God is a God of order and a "Higher Road".  Take the challenge, and see what the conspiracy is.

Perfect Storm

For now the news is "Hold onto your Hats", the winds of change are blowing. Donald Trump said it, Robert Kiosaki said it. I am saying it too...In the Finance arena and the political arena, we are awaiting a storm. A perfect storm! 

On our left is a country that wants control. 
On our right is freedom and the ways of prosperity.

This battle is raging for your heart, mind and even soul. Donald Trump is a picture of success in Finance- he is 'battle ready',  don't let pictures of beauty, and comfort  lull you to sleep,  I say to you, "Be ready, your enemy is ready to pounce if you are off guard". Do soldiers sleep? Of course, but they train incase the 'enemy' attacks at night. 

Financial worries are not there to keep you awake, they are to pull you to your knees.  The prosperous people in our lives and on the otherside of town are not bad. They are busy keeping their families provided for, busy going to the store for bargains, and busy being kind to neighbors. Just like YOU. 

When "They" are on the left, and you are in the "Right", there is going to be WAR. War of "the haves and have nots". War of pride and jealousy.  

A perfect storm is brewing. Are you ready, have you begun to prepare?  Did you 'batton down the hatches?"  There is still time, just don't put it off any longer. 

 A "perfect storm" of Financial Independance, Changing of the guards, or getting out of the "Rat Race". Donald Trump is setting the stage, and you can get on board. 

Watch and grow, Like an "Oak Tree" be ready for storms