Thursday, May 28, 2009

Conspiracy of the Rich

When others won't, will you?  Find out the Conspiracy. Dare to be true to yourself, dare to live big. Live big enough to fulfill your purpose.

 I do not believe Money/or our 'Job' is our purpose, I believe God wants us to do our best and be faithful to HIM. Money is a tool to see how we are doing.  

Why are we working? Is there a Conspiracy?  Why are we not working? What holds us back? Who's words hold YOU back?  Face them in private (in your heart) and forgive them.  Or hold onto their belief of UNBELIEF. Choose this day whom you will serve. God or mammon, don't blame others for your lack of money, or God either. He wants us to prosper - in Faith. ( yes, take that both ways)

Money is a tool, not a god, so don't let it blind you into thinking it provides anything.  God is our maker and our helper, money is just a tool. God doesn't need money, He created the Universe and all that is within, for FREE.

I am living proof their is a God who doesn't need money, and when people say " you can't live without money", I just smile.  My God has taught me different.  I believe He wants us all to be hard workers, but sometimes harder still is NOT WORKING and trusting.  Try it, for a month or 36.  

This is my proof: Car not working, no gainful employment, BELIEVING Prayers to Jehovah Jireh, and a Miracle of $5000.00 is given. Not the next day, not the next week, but months later.
 Limp along with me, to gain strength in a Sovereign God. 

Lest you say it was a coincidence, I say, " its a coincidence you read this blog".  God is a God of order and a "Higher Road".  Take the challenge, and see what the conspiracy is.


  1. Praise Him

    Thank you for lifting up the name of Jesus
    Thank you for your service.

    Saw your blog on Blogger under
    favorite books - the Bible
    and shared a little part of your world.

    Amen God doesn't need money.

    Didn't have a bank account
    for over 12 years.

    Everything I owned was in my wallet.

    I also received $5.000 for a car
    that wasn't expected.

    Tell people all the time
    I don't work for money
    I work for God.

    Seek first the kingdom of God
    and His righteousness
    and every thing you need
    will be added unto you.

    Seems you're having a blessed time
    trusting Him and
    serving our Lord.

    Lot's of challenges and adventures
    I'm sure.

    Adventure is a favorite word.

    Websters - A Bold undertaking,
    where hazards are to be encountered,
    and the outcome is based on unforeseen events.
    A unique experience in one's own personal history.
    Often of a romantic nature.

    Sounds like Jesus to me.

    Thought this complimentary
    e-book and website
    might be a benefit to you
    and those you serve.

    God's Words of Comfort & Healing 
    The Book  ✧  The Posters  ✧  The Words

    An Absolutely Free E-Book and Website.
    A Totally Free Download At:

    Lots of 8x10 wall posters
    proclaiming The Word of God.
    Great for decorating kids rooms
    and hospital rooms
    and class rooms
    and clinic walls

    Two Free E-Books and stuff about Jesus
    collected over the years.

    If you read "Love is Rising" in
    God's Words of Comfort & Healing 
    let me know what you think.

    It's for folks dealing with a broken heart
    and sickness and dis...ease
    caused by a broken heart.

    They're not able to love and accept themselves
    as Christ loves and accepts them.

    Most think that they have to be both
    The Potter and the clay.


    Be blessed and be a blessing.

    A. Amos Love -

  2. Thank you,

    you never know what God is going to allow in a day, but its all by Grace.
    I appreciate your comment and will keep the info for the future.
    Keep your eyes on the blog, to see what God is doing in this part of the world.

    Looking for followers, of Jesus.
    The remnant.
